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  • Ansible + passwordstore: Creating, storing and distributing SSH key pairs

    There are many situations where you need or want to use SSH keys for connecting to a server. This could be automatic software deployment (continuous…

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  • CKEditor 4: Style set with multiple classes not showing

    I ran into a problem recently, where I wanted to add a style set, that adds multiple classes. In my case it was for a link (button), that should have…

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  • OpenSSL not working correctly in Alpine based PHP docker images

    Mainly because of the significantly smaller size I'm currently switching to Alpine-Linux based docker images. In connection with PHP images (PHP-FPM…

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  • PhpStorm: JavaScript code completion not working correctly

    Those who work a lot with TYPO3 and probably work a lot with TypoScript may also have the file extension *.ts assigned to the TypoScript file type.…

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  • Safari: AJAX bug with `fetch`

    When we do not have to support for old browser like the Internet Explorer, we can finally use new technologies. Though it is bad, if even a modern…

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